Jakob Steinhardt - Master of the Woodcut
Posted by Tom Weideman on 2000/09/19 23:15:32 US/Mountain
Shalom- I am a printmaker studying the works of Jakob Steinhardt and would like a copy of the following article was published by Jewish Heritage in 1968: Werner, Alfred, "Jakob Steinhardt. Master of the Woodcut." Jewish Heritage (Summer, 1968):9-15. Of course I am very willing to pay for a photocopy. Much thanks to anyone who can help.
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Re: Jakob Steinhardt - Master of the Woodcut
by russell weil on 2001/07/17 10:07:47 US/Mountain
Tom - I'm sure that you've found what you were looking for sometime ago. The reason I'm writing you is that my two great aunts were cousins of Mr. Steinhardt, and they had given me one of his pieces, "Lane in the Land of Jerusalem". I'm fairly certain this is one of his woodcuts. Also, I believe this was created especially for my aunts. I don't have much information on Jakob Steinhardt, except what I've been able to find on the Internet. I have no idea of the value of this piece. I am a Docent at our local Holocaust Museum, and would like to loan this to their permanent exhibit. Of course, they would be able to have this piece appraised, but I has hoping you might provide me with some direction.
I hope to hear from you, and I thank you for your time. Shalom - Russell Weil
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