is referred to on many occasions in the Talmud and midrashic literature,
particularly in tractate Ta'anit. Tractate Ta'anit (meaning "Fast")
contains four chapters, which discuss various fast days, among them those
decreed because of drought; this discussion includes the determination
of time when the rain should descend, a quantitative definition of drought,
the prayers to be recited on those fasts, those exempt from the fasts,
and the days when fasts may not be decreed.[1]
references indicate that the rabbis were keen observers of weather phenomena:
R. Elazar b. Perata paid attention to the variations from year to year
in both amounts and times of rain occurrence[2]
R. Johanan and R. Papa determined that thin clouds under thick clouds
are a sign of a rainfall[3];
on the same page in the Babylonian Talmud R. Ulla gives a weather forecast,
using the above-mentioned sign of thin clouds under thick clouds.
According to the modern meteorological definition, the ragged fragments
of low cloud, often moving rapidly below rain clouds, is indeed an indication
of rainy weather. The dates of the beginning and end of the rainfall season
indicated in the Jerusalem Talmud also fit modern conditions.[4]
four winds, described in the Talmud as one of the world's necessities
and hence first creations, are ascribed also as bringing the rain.
The east
wind is described in some places as bringing the rain: "The east
wind stirs up the whole world like a demon"[5]
and "makes the firmament black like a goat."[6]
The north wind, on the other hand, brings about a shortage of rain: "The
north wind makes the firmament pure like gold,"[7]
i.e., it clears the heavens of clouds so that a drought ensures; the harvest
is meager and money decreases in value.

The south wind
was also viewed as bringing the rain. "It brought showers and made
the herbage grow."[8]
There is a statement that "R. Zira never walked among palms trees
on a day when the south wind blew"[9]
because it was so violent that there was danger of the trees being uprooted.

If the winds brought the
rain, the origin of rain was still debated. "R. Elazar declared: The whole
Universe drinks from the ocean, as it is said, 'There went up a mist from the
earth and watered the whole face of the ground' (Gen. 2:6). R. Joshua said to
R. Eliezer: But is not the water of the ocean salty? R. Eliezer answered: It
becomes sweetened in the clouds.
Joshua declared: The whole universe drinks from the water above the firmament....
The clouds swell and ascend to the firmament, where they open their mouths like
a bottle and receive the rain water.... The clouds are perforated like a sieve
and distill water to the earth. Between each drop of rain there is no more space
than the breadth of a hair, which is to teach us that a day of rain is as great
before the Holy One, blessed be He, as the day on which heaven and earth were
The cloud was thus conceived as only a hollow vessel, the water being poured
into it from heaven. On this theory, thunder was explained as "the clouds
in a whirl," or "the clouds pouring water one into the other."
Alternative explanations are: "A mighty lightning-flash strikes against
a cloud and the latter is shattered into hailstones"; "The clouds
are not full of water, and a blast of wind comes and blows across their mouths,
it being like the blast across the mouth of a jar"; "The most probable
view is that the lightning strikes, the clouds are made to rumble and rain descends."[11]
Ta'anit 1-2; 3:1 [back]
[2] Ta'anit 19b [back]
[3] Ta'anit 9b On the same page in the
Babylonian Talmud R. Ulla gives a weather forecast, using the above-mentioned
sign of thin clouds under thick clouds. [back]
[4] Ta'anit 1:1, 2:1, 65b; Ned. 8:5 [back]
[5] Baba Batra 25a [back]
[6] Sifre Deut. 306; 132a [back]
[7] Sifre Deut. 306; 132a [back]
[8] Baba Batra 25a [back]
[9] Shabbat 32a [back]
[10] Taanit 9b [back]
[11] Berakhot 59a [back] |
from Everyman's Talmud: The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages
by Abraham Cohen. Shocken Books, 1949, 1995. Reprinted by permission of
the publisher. |
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