India(?), c.1900
Paper, ink, printed, written
Amulets were printed in many different parts of the world where Jews resided.
This example is probably from the East; it is likely that the place of
printing was India. The amulet was printed with a space for writing in
the namen. On this amulet the name was written with an ink which has bled,
and which has eaten away part of the paper, forming a smudge.
The images in the
middle are copied from a printed copy of Raziel Mamalach (Raziel
the Angel), a book of practical Kabbalah first printed in Amsterdam in
1701. An edition was also printed in Calcutta, India, in 1845. These images
are of angels whose protection was requested for a pregnant woman. This
is a classic birth amulet.
Height: 19.4
cm, Width: 14.7 cm