at the stairs, sights set on ascension.
As you light your
candle, envision a stairway rising before you, each step a soul ascension
made with a worthy act, each good word you have spoken, each good work
done by your hands. See how each step leads to the next. Dedicate yourself
to singular steps in an upward direction; go out of your way to do one
new kindness every one of these eight days, for each is a link in the
ever increasing chain of compassion that stretches out before you.
This night I dedicate
to increase, to the second step of every path. This is the move towards
abundance, to building in increments, an ordered process. The treasures
of the house of Hillel tell of holiness that it should only increase,
ever-rise. Thus it was decreed that we light an additional candle to mark
each night. For holiness, like light and all luminescent goodness, should
always advance, like an ascending staircase, ever more inclined, increased,
Just as each good
act gives forth another, one spark springs forth to a second wick, while
a string of candles await.
I stand at the stairway
from my depths, ready to rise, to explore. Having found my foundation
in the darkness, I move with upward momentum, the second night, the second
step, the strength to start....