God said, "Let there be light!" and there was light.
God saw how good the light was
and God separated the light from the darkness

Rabbi Isaac said,
"The light created by God in the act of Creation flared from one end of the universe to the other but then it was hidden away, reserved for the righteous in the world that is coming, as it is written: 'Light is sown for the righteous.' [2] At that time the worlds will be fragrant, and all will be one. But until the world-to-come arrives, it is stored and hidden away."

Rabbi Judah responded,
"If the light were completely hidden, the world would not exist for even a mometnt! Rather, it is hidden and sown like a seed that gives birth to seeds and fruit. Thereby the world is sustained. Every single day, a ray of that light shines into the world, keeping everything alive; with that ray God feeds the world. And everywhere that Torah is studied at night, one thread-thin ray appears from that hidden light and flows down upon those absorbed in her. Since the first day, the light has never been fully revealed, but it is vital to the world, renewing each day the act of Creation." [3]

Before the world was created, an impulse arose in the Divine mind to create a great shining light. A light was created so bright that no creature could control it. When God saw that no one could bear it, He took one-seventh of the light and gave it to humans in its place. The rest He hid away for the righteous for the timthat would come, saying, "If they prove worthy of this seventh and guard it, I will give them the rest [of the hidden light] in the final world." [4]

The Holy One created light out of darkness.
(Rabbi Berechia, Leviticus Rabbah 31:8; 3rd century)




The parables from the Zohar (1:31b; 2:148b), Moshe Cordovero and Azriel of Gerona are translated by DanielC. Matt and reprinted from The Essential Kabbalah (HarperCollins, 1995).


[1] Genesis 1:3-4
[2] Psalms 97:11
[3] Zohar 1:31b, 2:148b
[4] Sefer Bahir 160



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