Jewish Calendar - Sukkot - Ushpizin

seven guests
Seven righteous ancestors of the Jewish people
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David
are "invited" as special guests (ushpizin) in our sukkah
during the seven days of Tabernacles. Ushpizin is an Aramaic word
meaning guests; there are those who claim it is related to the Latin hospes,
("guest"). It has become accepted practice to decorate the sukkah
wall with a plaque bearing an inscription including the names and depictions
of the seven guests.
Welcoming the seven guests[1]
grew out of the kabbalistic tradition. It was the great 16th-century mystic
of Safed, Rabbi Isaac Luria (Ha-Ari or The Lion), who instructed that on each
of the seven nights of Sukkot one of the great Biblical leaders be invited into
the sukkah. Accordingly to kabbalistic thought, each of these seven men
evoked or represented one of the sefirot, the mystical aspects and emanations
of God. Of the ten sefirot, these seven are in contact with the created
world hesed (loving kindness, gevurah
(power), tiferet (beauty), nezah (endurance), hod (glory),
yesod (foundation), malchut (majesty). Rabbi Luriah taught that
through these seven physical emanations, personified in the seven great guests,
one can reach up to the unfolding aspects of God's presence in the world.
The spiritual guest of each day is invited before the meal and the following
text is recited:
it be Your will, Lord my God and God of my fathers, to send Your presence
to swell in our midst and to spread over us the sukkah of Your peace, to
encircle us with the majesty of Your pure and holy radiance. Give sufficient
bread and water to all who are hungry and thirsty. Give us many days to
grow old upon the earth, the holy earth, that we may serve You and revere
You. Blessed by the Lord forever - amen, amen. I invite to my meal the exalted
guests Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David." |
On each night another guests is addressed, for example: "Abraham, my exalted
guest, may it please you to have all the exalted guests join me and you
Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David." Moroccan Jews have a special
compilation of prayers in honor of the ushpizin, called Hamad Elohim,
from which special sections are recited each day of the festival.
(repairing the world)
Luria's kabbalistic custom was adopted by the Hasidim; many pamphlets entitled
Seder-Ushpiz, including liturgy based upon the practices of certain hasidic
masters, began to be published in the 19th century. One such practice was that
of Rabbi Hayyim Halberstam of Sandz,[2]
known for his great generosity.
The Rebbe of Sandz understood that the sainted
seven ushpizin would undoubtedly refuse to dwell in a booth where the
poor were not welcome. He therefore increased the amount of charity he gave
before Sukkot, urging his disciples to invite indigent persons to celebrate
the festival in one's sukkah. He explained: "It is incumbent upon
everyone to adorn the sukkah, which I have not done properly. Is there
any more beautiful ornament for the sukkah than the distribution of charity
to those who do not have the means to be glad in the 'Season of Our Rejoicing?'"
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