Jewish Calendar -Rosh Hashanah blessings

At the Rosh Hashanah table, it is customary to eat symbolic foods and to recite the related blessings.

On the first night, and again on the second night of Rosh Hashanah (if a new fruit is eaten):
Blessed are you O God... for granting us life and sustenance, and for permitting us to reach this day."
(Baruh atah Adonai Eloheinu meleh ha-olam, she-heheyanu ve-kiymanu ve-higiyanu lazman hazeh.)

Blessings before eating apple (in honey):
“May it be Your will, our God and God of our fathers, that You renew for us a good and sweet year."
(Yehi razon milfa-neha adonai Eloheinu ve-Elohei avoteinu, she-tehadesh aleinu shanah tovah u-metukah.)

Blessings before eating fish:
"May it be your will....that we be fruitful and multiply like fish."
(Yehi razon milfa-neha Adonai Eloheinu ve-Elohei avoteinu, she-nifreh ve-nirbeh ki-dagim.)

Blessing before eating pomegranate:
"May it be your will....that our merits will be plentiful as the [seed in the] pomegranate."
(Yehi razon milfa-neha adonai Eloheinu ve-Elohei avoteinu, she-narbeh zehuyoteinu ki-rimon.)

Blessing before eating fish head or lamb's head:
"May it be your will....that we be as a head and not as a tail."
(Yehi razon milfa-neha adonai Eloheinu ve-Elohei avoteinu, she-nihiyeh ke-rosh ve-lo le-zanav.)

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