The rootword
for memory,
(z-kh-r), springs up repeatedly in Jewish literature and liturgy, reminding
us to remember. The first two times the root
(zayin-khaf-resh), "to remember," appears in Scripture, God
remembers Noah and the other living creatures in the ark:
(va-yizkor elohim et noah), "And God remembered Noah..." Following
the flood, God sets a rainbow in the heavens as a perpetual sign of his covenant
with man:
(ve-zakharti et briti), "I will remember my covenant." That
memory is an attribute of God is further deduced from the name of the prophet
(zekharyah), "whom God remembers."
From the number of times in the liturgy Rosh Hashanah is referred to as
(yom ha-zikkaron), the Day of Remembrance, it is clear that remembering,
by both God and man, is a central concept during the Days of Awe. In fact, an
entire section of the liturgy, known as (zikhronot),
remembrances, is comprised of biblical verses dealing with God's remembering.
In the Israeli calendar, the day before Independence Day is also designated
(yom ha-zikkaron), Memorial Day, in memory of the soldiers and citizens
who fell in defense of the State of Israel.
postbiblical Judaism, the root
(z-kh-r) is used to show respect for both the Rabbis and God. The Rabbis
of the Talmud are frequently referred to as (hazal),
an acronym for
(hakha-meinu zikhronam li-vrakhah), "our Sages, may their memory
be for a blessing." The Rabbis often refer to the ineffable four-letter
divine name as the
(azkarah), an Aramaic word that is also used to denote a memorial ceremony.
And let us not forget the
(yizkor) service which, according to social scientist Daniel Bell, strengthens
a Jew's ties to his people. "In the Yizkor, through memory, I am identified
as a Jew," says Bell.
In his seminal book on Jewish historiography, entitled
(zakhor) - "remember" in the imperative - historian Yosef Haim
Yerushalmi of Columbia University argues that collective memory,
(zikaron), was preserved through oral transmission and tradition, while
in the modern period the formal writing of history takes on new significances.
[See Yerushalmi's discussion
of the Jewish historian's role in preserving collective memory in this issue.
The first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, poignantly eulogized his
wife Paula at her funeral, using the classic phrase from Jeremiah 2:2:
(zakharti lakh hesed ne'urayikh), "I remember the affection of your
Can a language be either pessimistic or optimistic? The forget-me-not, a flower
that in English pleads negatively for love, is in Hebrew a
(zikhrini), which asks one's beloved, in the most positive of terms,
to "remember me."
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