the child is brought into the room, everyone present says:
Blessed be he
who comes.
The father says:
I am ready to fulfill the commandment of circumcising my son, as the
Creator commanded us, as it is written in the Torah: "And throughout
the generations, every male among you shall be circumcised at the age
of eight days."
The mohel takes
the child, places it on a chair and says:
This is the chair of Elijah, the prophet, may he be remembered for
good! For your salvation, I have hoped, O Lord. For your salvation, I
wait, O Lord, and have fulfilled your commandments. I wait for your salvation,
O Lord, and rejoice at your words as one who has found a great treasure.
Those who love Your Torah have great peace; they do not stumble. Happy
is he whom You have chosen, who sits in Your courtyard.
Those present respond:
Let us be satisfied with the goodness of Your holy house.
The mohel places
the child on the knees of the sandek and says:The mohel
places the child on the knees of the sandek and says:
Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified
us with His commandments and commanded us to enter our sons into the covenant
of Abraham, our father.
Those present respond:
Even as this child has entered into the covenant, so may he enter a
life of Torah, marriage and good deeds.
The mohel continues:
Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Creator of the
fruit of the vine.
Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who sanctified His
beloved (Isaac) from birth and placed the sign of the covenant in his
offspring's flesh. Because of this covenant, Living God, our Portion and
Rock, you have commanded that your beloved people not be doomed to destruction.
Praised are You, Lord our God, who established the covenant.
Our God and God
of our Fathers, preserve this child for his father and mother. Let him
be called in Israel ________ son of ______. May the father rejoice in
his offspring and his mother in the fruit of her body, as it is written
in Proverbs: "May they father and mother rejoice and she who bore
you, be glad." And as the prophet Ezekiel said: "When I passed
by you and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you: 'Live in spite
of your blood.' Yea, I said to you: 'Live in spite of your blood.'"
It is further written in Psalms: "He is ever mindful of His covenant,
the promise He gave for a thousand generations, that He made with Abraham,
swore to Isaac, and confirmed in a decree for Jacob, for Israel, as an
eternal covenant."
This small one,
______ son of ______, will grow large. As he has entered into the covenant,
so may he enter a life of Torah, marriage and good deeds.