my dove in the rock, clefts
In the shelter of terrace high
Let me see your face
Let me hear your voice
For your voice is so
And Your face is beautiful
If the baby is a first-born, add
alone is my dove, my perfect one,
The darling of her mother,
The delight of her who bore her.
Daughters saw her they acclaimed her,
Queens and consorts they sang her praises
May the One who blessed our mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah,
Miriam the prophetess, Abigail, and Queen Esther, bless also this darling
baby __________ . May bless her to grow up in comfort, health and happiness.
May the One give to her parents the joy of seeing her happily married,
a radiant mother of children, rich in honor and to a ripe old age. May
this be the will God, and let us say, Amen.
