JHOM - Personalities - Gluckel - Early Marriage
girlhood was brief. Before she turned twelve, she was betrothed to Haim. Only
a few years older than Glikl, Haim was the son of the trader Joseph ben Baruch
Daniel Samuel ha-Levi (or Segal), known also as Joseph Goldschmidt and Joseph
Hamel, of the small town of Hameln.
Glikl was wed
to Haim two years later. This early age of marriage was much in contrast with
that of the Christian women in Hamburg and elsewhere in western Europe, who
rarely took their vows before they were eighteen, but it was not uncommon among
better-off Jews in central and eastern Europe. Among
other uses, it guaranteed a Jewish marriage to the parents' liking and promoted
the mitzvot the command and the good deed of progeny. And why wait when parents were endowing
the young with credit connections and liquid capital rather than landed property
or a craftsman's shop? Furthermore, the newlyweds could be shepherded through
the first period of marriage by the Jewish custom of kest, or boarding,
provided for in the marriage contract.
Zemon Davis. Women on the Margins. Copyright © 1995 by the President
and Fellows of Harvard College (Cambridge: Harvard University Press),
p. 11. Reprinted by permission of the author.