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Those of you who wish to learn more about JRGO
and about how to order the book, please read on.

Did you ever put down a book you were reading and wish you could discuss it with the author or an expert? Now you can.The Jewish Heritage Online Magazine is proud to announce the Jewish Reading Group Online (JRGO, pronounced "jargo"). Every few months, JRGO will offer to Jewish reading groups around the world a specially chosen book at substantial discounts, along with a reading guide from the publisher.

Local reading groups will discuss the book at their weekly/monthly meeting. JHOM.com will provide an online bulletin board (a web-based discussion forum), where reading group members can post and read messages, enriching their discussions by sharing insights with other readers from around the world. Best of all, the author or an expert on the book's subject matter will participate in the bulletin board discussion, commenting, responding to questions and providing insights into the book.

The first book to be featured is The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness, by Simon Wiesenthal.


In order to ensure serious discussion, we ask those of who would like to participate in the forum to please read the book. The book is available here at a 20% discount.

Just click on the B&N icon below. Then enter your email to be notified of changes in the forum. We encourage you to read the book with friends or as part of an existing reading group.

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If you would like to buy 5 or more copies and receive a larger discount, please fill in the information below. We will contact you shortly.


  I would also like to be notified about updates to the JHOM site.
At this stage we will continue the Sunflower discussion in a different format. We will post articles related to the issue of forgiveness or the Sunflower. You are welcome to respond with your own comments.

We present here an article by Prof. Susannah Heschel, the Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies of the Department of Religion at Dartmouth College. This article presents an interesting perspective on Jewish values and forgiveness on a very contemporary issue.

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Roger Kamenetz, our third moderator

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Dr. Alan L. Berger - our second moderator
Dr. Eugene J. Fisher - our first moderator
The Sunflower, by Simon Wiesenthal - first discussions

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