Dear reader,
Jewish Heritage Online Magazine ( is an innovative web monthly
with some 2500 screens devoted to the study of classic and modern Jewish texts, culture and heritage.
Originally sponsored by the Memorial Foundation
for Jewish Culture (NY), is an independent, non-denominational
webzine, without religious or political platform. In January 2004
entered its seventh year of online publication.
Each monthly edition focuses on a different topic, among them: Dreams,
Memory, Stones, Bread, Tears, Fish, Fire, Spices, Envy, Money, Angels,
with articles crossing the spectrum of biblical and talmudic literature,
mysticism, modern poetry, Hebrew language, art and music. An ever-expanding
calendar section includes a rich array of articles with interesting and
little-known angles about the current Jewish month and its festivals. includes a growing collection of exquisite, original electronic
greeting cards for holidays, birthdays, and others occasions,
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your Jewish product, service or publication to our quickly growing
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(1) used with permission of the author or publisher, who retain ownership;
(2) original material that is owned by MAXIMA Multimedia; or
(3) material that is in the public domain.
Small excerpts from the magazine may be quoted for personal use (e.g.,
in a school report) or in a review or scholarly analysis, with appropriate
attribution: "© Jewish Heritage Online Magazine,,
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other cases, permission must be requested in advance. Posting any part
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