at the end of his life, asked God why he had to die.
Because I have already named Joshua in your place to lead the
Israelites, God responded.
Let him lead, argued Moses, I will be his servant.
God concurred, but Joshua was not pleased with the situation.
Moses then asked him, Dont you want me to stay alive?
Joshua agreed and became leader and master even to him, to Moses.
When they went to enter the Holy Tabernacle [where the Ark was kept],
a cloud arose. Joshua was allowed into the holy place, while Moses
had to remain outside.
Said Moses, A hundred deaths are preferable to the pain of envy.
On that day he asked to die. |

JHOM readers,
The emotion of envy is so destructive, we learn from the Bible, that it leads
to expulsion and even murder. So pernicious is envy, we learn from our tradition,
that it rots the bones and leads to misery comparable with the torment of hell.
And so pervasive is that envy, that not only is it rampant among human beings,
but the angels, too, experience envy. Even God has been known for His jealousy.
Among the articles in this edition of the Jewish Heritage Online Magazine:
legend about the creation of man and the angels who objected
A modern poem about Sarah and Hagar
Classical paintings of bitter biblical moments
The "wayward wife" and the jealous husband
(Numbers 5)
Rabban Gamliel and a pagan philosopher talk it over
A theological discussion regarding emulating God's
Words of wisdom by a great medieval Jewish luminary
Two medieval fox fables about envy
A modern love poem by Natan Alterman
Hebrew analysis of the rootword K-N-A
Kri'ah me'hanah. 
Pleasant reading.
The Editor.