Letter from the Editor: The majestic crown
The editor
baby Moses reached for Pharoah's crown: Why
Moses was slow of speach
The Midrash
A crown, some oil and a throne: The coronation
of kings in ancient Israel
weaving in the celestial household: Proclaiming God's majesty and the deliverance of Israel
The midrash
Three crowns and a fourth that beats them all:
A fine ethical epigram from the Ethics of the Fathers
Pirkei Avot
"The Kingly Crown" by Solomon Ibn Gabirol:
A majestic poem by one of the greatest medieval poets
I. Elbogen
Ecclesia, Synagoga and the fallen crown: Anti-Jewish
propaganda in the Middle Ages
Affixing crowns to the letters of the Torah:
The scribal tradition of "tagin"
The ten mystical crowns of the Holy King:
An introduction to Jewish mysticism
David S. Ariel
crown motif in Jewish art: The deeper and broader symbolism
Ida Huberman
Hebrew lesson: Glory wisdom and splendor: Four
Hebrew rootword related to Crowns
Joseph Lowin