Hebrew expression


Literal translation/
literary sources

Modern usage

hebrew word
ganav someone who takes another's property, secretly thief
thief at the window
hebrew word
g'neivah taking another's property, secretly theft
hebrew word
big'neivah by thievery secretly
hebrew word
gineiv Assuredly, I am going to deal with the prophets — declares the Lord — who steal My words from one another. (Jeremiah 23:30) steal repeatedly
hebrew word
ginev et libo

stole his heart.
Thus Absalom won away the hearts of the men of Israel. (2 Samuel 15:6)

falsely influence opinion
hebrew word
hitnageiv The troops stole into town that day, like troops ashamed after running away in battle.
(2 Samuel 19:4)
enter or exit secretly
hebrew word
g'neivat da'at stealing an opinion deception
hebrew word
pirtza kor'ah l'ganav an opening that calls to a thief weak point
hebrew word
gunav eilav davar a word was stolen to him he was told a secret
hebrew word
sof ganav litliya the end of the thief is hanging a crime will be discovered and the criminal punished
hebrew word
gazal took by force robbed
hebrew word
gezel the act of taking by force robbery
hebrew word
g'zeila The Lord will bring this charge Against the elders and officers of His people: "It is you who have ravaged the vineyard; That which was robbed from the poor is in your houses." ( Isaiah 3:14) thief's sackstolen goods
hebrew word
gazlan robber hard-hearted;
slang: over-priced merchant
hebrew word
gazal menuhato stole his rest worried him
hebrew word
nigzala sh'nato For they cannot sleep unless they have done evil; Unless they make someone fall they are robbed of sleep. (Proverbs 4:15) cannot fall asleep




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