November 2000 / Heshvan 5761

Dear JHOM readers,

give honor to God using that with which He has blessed you
Hiyya, the nephew of Rabbi Elazar Hakapar had a beautiful voice. Rabbi Elazar would say to him: "Hiyya, my son, stand and give honor to God using that with which He has blessed you."
(Pesikta Rabbah 5)

We invite you to enjoy our 35th edition, which focuses on VOICE in Jewish tradition. We study: a passage in Exodus, in which God's voice [kol] finds its parallel in the rumbling thunder and the shofar; the passage from Job in which God's voice speaks from the whirlwind, offering Job an alternative perspective on life; the concept of bat kol ("daughter of a voice") — a post-prophetic communication with the divine; the notion of the lewdness in a woman's voice and a contemporary woman who makes use of her gift nonetheless; a Hasidic tale retold by Martin Buber; a Hebrew lesson; and more.

JHOM's electronic greeting card collection finds a new home in its affiliate site, Sealingwax. Our Jewish collection is both beautiful and extensive and you are invited to make use of it. We also urge you to make use of the new Readers' Exchange — a bulletin board where readers can ask each other questions and help each other out with answers. Of course, content questions may still be sent to our Shoot column.

Please read the letter from JHOM's publisher describing the new commercial services in the magazine.

Pleasant reading!

Simcha Shtull


VOICE Table of Contents



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