Rumshinsky describes the first concert in his autobiography: "About a year had passed by. Although the rehearsals were going well, people were still making fun of the chorus. At that time we decided two things: first of all to name our chorus Hazomir, and secondly to give a concert in a major concert hall. After the concert was announced, within three days the tickets were sold out, eagerly snatched up by those Zionists and assimilationists who were ready to come and laugh at us. I will never forget the feelings we had coming into the concert. We knew that this was the Day of Judgement for the Lodz Hazomir, and that our judges would be unforgiving beyond pity. I felt like a general just before leading his soldiers into battle. After we sang our first number, Al Mishmar Hayarden, the hall was silent. We were surprised and frightened. What was going on? Could it have been such a flop that noone would applaud? When I turned around to face the audience I saw an unbelievable sight: hundreds of people sitting as if mystified, jaws hanging down and glassy-eyed as if, G-d forbid, they were paralyzed. After what seemed like an eternity the audience awakened from its lethargy and thunderous applause broke out. There were cries of "bravo!" and "encore!" We had to repeat the opening song three times. Then with each succeeding number the enthusiasm grew and grew. At the conclusion of the concert hundreds of young people, including the assimilationists, the Hasidim and the Zionists, became one great crowd and danced in front of the theatre. The victory had come. Jewish society now began to respect Hazomir and regard it as a serious factor in Jewish cultural life. |