The lighting of fire, a forbidden act on Shabbat, is a natural
way to mark the ending of the day of rest. A more spiritual explanation is
offered in the Talmud, one which associates light with the new week which
is about to begin, as light was created on the first day. Jose, the pupil
of Rabbi Akiba relates: "Fire was one of the things God had left uncreated
when Sabbath set in; but after the close of the Sabbath, God endowed man with
divine wisdom. Man then took two stones, and by grinding them together produced
fire; after which he recited the benediction: 'Blessed be He who creates the
lights of the fire'" [1] When the Sabbath ends, man celebrates the renewal
of creation, which began on the first day by emulating God's acting of creating
sources introduce an element of fear as the catalyst for Adam's creation of
fire and for the resultant benediction:
"The light which God created on the first day lit up the world for man
from the time he was created until the sunset of the following day, when the
darkness surrounding him filled him with dread and the fear that the tempting
serpent would altogether overpower him. Then God furnished him with two bricks,
which he rubbed together until fire was produced; whereupon he recited a benediction
over the fire: "Blessed are You, O God, who created the lights of the
fire." [2]
This midrash is also linked to a discussion among the Rabbis whether it was
preferable to recite the benediction over a light produced by friction between
pieces of wood or stone, or over a light that had been burning before; there
were those who found a blazing, torch-like light most appropriate. [3]
In a parallel midrash, God sent Adam a pillar of fire to illuminate and protect
him. Rejoicing, Adam put forth his hands to the lights of the fire and recited,
"Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the
lights of the fire." After removing his hands he recited the Havdalah
benediction blessing the separation of the holy day from the weekday. [4]
When pronouncing the blessing over the lights during the Havdalah ceremony,
it is customary to look at one's fingernails or at the lines on one's palms.
The most practical explanation is the Rabbinic tradition that one does not
recite a benediction over lights unless one derives some advantage from them:
En mevarkhin 'al ha-ner 'ad she-ye'otu le-oro. [5] The above midrash, however,
has become a common and beautiful explanation for this custom.
The blessing refers to the lights in plural: borei me'orei ha-esh (He who
creates the lights of fire. For this reason, a special braided candle is used
with at least two wicks, giving two or more lights. Many use candles with
six wicks, symbolic of the six days of the week. At the conclusion of a festival
that does not fall on the Sabbath, the spices and flame are omitted.