Under the tamarisk tree: The eshel tree in our Biblical heritage
Nogah Hareuveni

The sacred tree: Tree worship in ancient Israel

All about Tu bi-Shevat
"A golden vine vine was stationed outside the gates of the Sanctuary:
Rabbi Aha said that when King Solomon built the Temple, he fashioned and designed within the sacred walls all types of trees. As soon as the golden vine outside the gates brought forth its fruit, the tree within the Temple walls produced their beautiful fruit." [*]

" Do not destroy" or: Is the tree human?
: Two readings of the famous passage from Deuteronomy
Eilon Schwartz

Tree of life and tree of knowledge: An extravaganza of the imagination
The Midrash

Trees as messianic symbols: Or: the trees of Eden in Jewish mysticism
Gershom Scholem

"Neither daylight nor darkness": The Old Acacia Tree  (*audio recording*)
H. N. Bialik

Trees and the Man: Two short stories from the midrash

"Because man is the tree of the field": Two poems by Israeli poet Natan Zach

A modern prayer for tree planting

Trees I have loved by the poet Zelda (translation and commentary by Marcia Falk)

Hebrew lesson: Wise, dry, lovely, and fruitful — A Hebrew arboretum

TREES in JHOM's Judaica art gallery

footnotes [*] J.T. Yoma 4.4 [back]



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