of the Tribe of Judah
Alba (Illustrated) Bible
Madrid, 15th century
Jacob assembles his sons
before his death, and speaks to them in "a combination of blessing, curse,
warning, psychological assessment, parable, recollection and hope."[1]
He speaks to each son separately, in poetic language that certain scholars associate
with ancient tribal songs and memories. Judah, the fourth son of Leah, is described
with these famous words: "Judah is a lion's whelp; On prey, my son, have
you grown. He crouches, lies down like a lion, like the king of beasts, who
dare rouse him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff
from between his feet
The celebrated metaphor of Judah as a lion's whelp (young offspring) is one
of strength and daring; the "lion of Judah" has become a favorite
motif in Jewish art and folklore and has acquired messianic
In the book of Deuteronomy,
Moses blesses his people before his death, in the tradition and in the spirit
of Jacob's prophetic prayer. As regards the lion ascription, we find in Deuteronomy
that lion-like strength and prowess are applied to Gad and Dan, and not to Judah.
"And of Gad [Moses] said: Blessed be He who enlarges Gad. Poised is he
like a lion to tear off arm and scalp
. And of Dan he said: Dan is a lion's
whelp that leaps forth from Bashan."[3]
Dan, in fact, is compared to the same "lion's whelp" used to describe
the powerful tribe of Judah in Genesis.
It has been claimed by scholars
that comparison of Dan to a lion may have been inspired by this former name
of the tribe's chief city, Laish: laish is a poetic term for lion. Dan
was originally assigned territory in the Shefelah and the coastal plain, near
Philistia. Later the tribe migrated to the northern extremity of the land where
it destroyed and rebuilt the city of Laish, settled there and renamed the city
Gunther Plaut, A Modern Commentary on the Torah (New York: Union of American
Hebrew Congregations, 1981), p. 307 [back]
[2] Genesis
49:9-10 [back]
[3] Deut.
33:20, 22 "Of Judah [Moses] said: Hear O Lord, the voice
of Judah and (Duet. 33:7) [back]
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