the above singer became a crook out of choice, and he even "crows
about it." The following example carries the process of selection
still further, with the thief indicating his own preferences as against
those of his brothers. song
The following example
pictures a humorous scene in which an older criminal "breaks in"
a new "recruit" "shows him the ropes" of the "profession,"
and defines certain terms of their vernacular in the trade: song
speed, a skill bordering on slight of hand was demanded of a professional
criminal, who was exposed to sudden detection and apprehension. "To
be a thief, you have to be quick as a wink, and then everything goes off
all right," one song says bluntly and adds: "If the cop stops
you and tries to blow his whistle, just show him some money and buy him
off." The following illustrates the work of a thief who broke into
a jewelry establishment and was caught in the act: song
The songs that describe
the hard life of the criminal applied only to the common thieves whose
gains were small and whose risks were constant. The following is a sad
commentary on the dangerous, miserable existence of the "small operator:"
life of a criminal was hard, dangerous, insecure. The whole world seemed
to be against him: the police, the community, at times his own cronies
and his sweetheart. Occasionally, an anonymous singer expressed his regret
that he had not chosen a more respectable trade or craft: "I envy
the working man, even though he barely earns enough for his daily bread,
/ At least he lives as well as he can and is not tormented in jail."
Some songs express sadness and helplessness of young people who left a
poverty-stricken home and hard-working parents, only to be exposed to
even more difficult conditions of insecurity and the persecution of the
police. It is the rare song that speaks of theft and criminality as an
uncontrollable vice: song
More often than not,
however, the criminal assumed a gay, dashing, debonair, arrogant, daring
and cruel manner during his moments of freedom, and a depressed, somber,
pensive, helpless and desperate mood when confined in prison. When he
was on "the loose," plying his trade recklessly and arrogantly
in the very thick of the congested Jewish streets of Warsaw, one singer
lilted: song
The following conversation
song bellowed out in an Odessa hangout by members of a gang, over a bottle
of whiskey, describes the night life of a "member of the profession:"
The gay and reckless
life, strong drink and women, fancy clothes and the swaggering strut appealed
to newcomers: "With the gang, in restaurants
where we eat the
best food; and whenever there's a little job to do, I know of it and do
the best of business." A humorous song, which was current in many
variants throughout the Pale, is the following song of thief boasting
about his "profession," which he "inherited" from
his "respectable" family: song
When the gang got
together in their hangout, restaurant or dance hall, they might have roared
out the following: song
But the day of reckoning
was bound to come sooner or later and, for some, more than once. To be
caught and jailed was a miserable experience for the culprit, who, one
the one hand, lost face before his pals and, on the other, was pushed
around, mistreated, fed slops in a dark cell, and forced into the rigors
of hard labor and confinement behind high stone walls, barred windows.
In prison, a criminal who often "fingered the other guy," soberly
about his fate. song
Another recalls the
good old times with the gang when he was free but realizes, now that he
is in jail, that perhaps the life of a thief was not meant for him. song
soon..... RealAudio recording of the tune: "I
lie behind bars."
Ruth Rubin, Voices of a People: The Story of Yiddish Folksong (Philadelphia,
PA: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1979), Copyright ©
1979 by the author, pp. 319-328. Used by permission of publisher. |